🌹Rosa Lineage🌹 ローザリネージュ ブレスレット・アンクレット

🌹Rosa Lineage🌹は造語です。


 🔹キリスト教徒の装身具 「ロザリオ」
 🔹仏教徒の装身具 「念珠」



 Rosa Lineageは そんな歪さを込め、あえて左右非対称にしています。  

それがRosa Lineageの概念です。     
🌹“Rosa Lineage” is a coinage.「bara no ketsuzoku」in Japanese.   It's a bracelet that is combined pronunciations “rosary” the christians accessories and “nenju” the buddhists accessories.   People symbolize line symmetry as the sublimities.   But people are irregular. They always feel the shortage and try to compensate it.   Polished person is beautiful.But I think it's the most beautiful whose posture to try to change now.   I make the Rosa Lineage left-right asymmetry on purpose as imperfection of the nature and the people.   Even if it is irregular , it is thorough beautiful.   Someday your dreams and wishes will certainly bloom like roses.
🌹“Rosa Lineage” is a coinage.「bara no ketsuzoku」in Japanese. It's a bracelet that is combined pronunciations “rosary” the christians accessories and “nenju” the buddhists accessories. People symbolize line symmetry as the sublimities. But people are irregular. They always feel the shortage and try to compensate it. Polished person is beautiful.But I think it's the most beautiful whose posture to try to change now. I make the Rosa Lineage left-right asymmetry on purpose as imperfection of the nature and the people. Even if it is irregular , it is thorough beautiful. Someday your dreams and wishes will certainly bloom like roses.







